
Skillcrush Email Newsletter (HTML, CSS)

This page was a bonus assignment in a course I took in mid 2015. We received a .psd file and were asked to recreate it as a webpage with HTML and CSS.

I was using a free Heroku account for Ruby on Rails deployments, but this is no longer an option. The sample projects were primarily Ruby on Rails demos that I adjusted in minor ways. The projects are stored in my local git repo and have been removed from Heroku. I have since stepped away from working on RoR projects.

LinkDSG Supplies Rails 2-3 Update and UI Refresh - 2018-2019 (Rails, Ruby, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

*This project has been replaced by another product since I worked on it.

I updated the project from Rails 2.x to Rails 3.x, correcting quite a few errors in the process and removing unused code paths. I also worked with a web designer to integrate the newly approved layout into the legacy Rails app.